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He has emerged as one of the most significant critics of identity politics today if I have not cited him in this book, it is only to avoid confusing readers. I have probably not had a single idea in my life that was not formed in some kind of dialogue with my brother, Shuja Haider. Any remaining errors are my own responsibility. Sarah Grey’s precise and perceptive copy editing gave the text an indispensable refinement. The historical details of the manuscript were reviewed by Emma Teitelman, Tim Barker, and Matt Karp, whose encouragement I greatly appreciated.

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Along the way I have come to collaborate with the entire Viewpoint collective, and all of them have been valued readers, critics, and interlocutors. My adventures in publishing began with an intellectual and political collaboration with Salar Mohandesi, whose influence is present throughout this book. Sahota, Jason Smith, Alberto Toscano, Delio Vasquez, Gavin Walker, and Philip Wohlstetter. I will mention here those who discussed these questions with me in the whirlwind of political practice, those who encouraged me to record my thoughts and helped me to make them comprehensible, and those who valiantly read and commented on the entire draft: Robert Cavooris, Deborah Gould, Erin Gray, Evan Grupsmith, David Lau, Patrick King, Wendell Hassan Marsh, Dave Mesing, G.S. I cannot possibly mention them all, but I hope they all recognize my enormous gratitude. Indeed, these ideas were produced collectively along with friends, comrades, and colleagues. Both were also valued interlocutors in the formation of the ideas this book presents. H35 2018 | DDC 306.20973-dc23 LC record available at Typeset in Sabon by Biblichor Ltd, Edinburgh Printed and bound by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon, CR0 4YY 5 Contents Acknowledgments Introduction 1: Identity Politics 2: Contradictions Among the People 3: Racial Ideology 4: Passing 5: Law and Order 6: Universality Notes Index 6 Acknowledgments I first have to thank Chris Connery, who encouraged me to write this book, who was the first reader of the completed manuscript, and who pushed me to make it come together as a whole, and Ben Mabie, who is responsible for giving this idea a concrete form in his capacity as publishing impresario and editor. | United States-Social conditions-21st century. | Whites-United States-Politics and government. | African Americans-Politics and government. | United States-Race relations-Political aspects. Description: London Brooklyn, NY : Verso, 2018. Title: Mistaken identity : race and class in the age of Trump / Asad Haider. Mistaken Identity 3 Mistaken Identity Race and Class in the Age of Trump Asad Haider 4 First published by Verso 2018 © Asad Haider 2018 All rights reserved The moral rights of the author have been asserted 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 Verso UK: 6 Meard Street, London W1F 0EG US: 20 Jay Street, Suite 1010, Brooklyn, NY 11201 Verso is the imprint of New Left Books ISBN-13: 978-1-78663-737-6 ISBN-13: 978-1-78663-739-0 (UK EBK) ISBN-13: 978-1-78663-738-3 (US EBK) British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Names: Haider, Asad, author.

Which ebin ny edge control does not turn white