In an interview with Entertainment Weekly in 2014, Davis said that this is indeed one of his personal favorites and, while I can respect the man's opinion, as I've always maintained that you like what you like, I don't understand it. It is at first, as we see Garfield, Jon, and Odie having to deal with the rundown, piece of crap of a motel they're staying in, as well as some antics during the scene when they make it to the beach, but then, the story takes a hard left-turn into an idea that I don't find as clever or funny as Jim Davis apparently thinks it is. This should be so good and funny, as well as relatable, since we've all been on those family vacations that are meant to be relaxing and fun but quickly go down the toilet.

Remember how, when I did Garfield in the Rough, when I talked about what a great idea it was to have Garfield on a camping trip because of all the comedic opportunities? The same thing applies here: Garfield getting dragged along on a crappy tropical island vacation? I'm sold. While I don't think any of these Garfield specials are bad, this is one of the weakest and the biggest reason why I feel that way is because of wasted potential. Unfortunately, it's not one of the better specials, in my opinion.

Since I've been doing them more or less in chronological order, it happened to be a happy coincidence that the one I decided to do during the summer is most appropriate for this time. I hate repeating myself but I have no choice when it comes to many of these Garfield specials, as I saw them at around the same time in late 2018, early 2019, after reviewing Garfield's Halloween Adventure piqued my interest in them.