Clear Fit to paper size, select User-defined from the Scale list, and set the ratio between paper units (in Millimeters or Inches) to drawing units. Clear Fit to paper size, then select a scale from the Scale list. Select Fit to paper size to apply no specific scaling. Select Print only within specified window to cut entities at the boundaries of the specified print range on the printout regardless of whether there is remaining space on the output sheet. Click Window to specify two opposite points for the print boundaries in the graphics area. Prints the drawing that is visible on screen. This option is available only if named views exist in the drawing. Prints the range that is determined by the drawing boundaries (when the Model is active) or the range that is determined by the Sheet size definition (when a Sheet tab is active). Prints the range that is determined by the bounding box of all visible entities. (Professional, Premium, Enterprise & Enterprise Plus) This option works for the Model and Layout Sheets. In LineWeight, specify the weight of the hairline outline. Click Use Hairline to use a hairline outlines for printing the drawing to a laser cutter. Select Inverse to reverse the output direction. Click Portrait or Landscape to set the orientation. In Paper size, select a size from the international standardized paper size formats and printer-specific paper formats. In Copies, set the number of copies to print. Select Print to file for output to a file instead of to the printer. If you selected a built-in printer ( PDF, PNG, JPG, SVG, or DWF), you can set custom paper sizes. Click Properties to set up the printer or plotter in the dialog box provided by the printer's driver. These built-in plotters print to file in the specified format. Printers and plotters available on your system are listed. Lets you determine the current print settings. Repeats printing with the same settings you used for the previous printout. Import uses a Print Configuration defined in a configuration file or defined in a drawing or drawing template file. Import uses a Page Layout defined in a configuration file or defined in a drawing or drawing template file.
You can adjust the restored settings, if desired. Select a name from the list of Print Configurations. Select a name from the list of Page Layouts. Restores the settings for the printer, paper size, print scale and range, orientation, and offset saved in a Print Configuration. Restores the settings for the printer, paper size, print scale and range, orientation, and offset saved in a PageLayout. Prints exactly what is on screen with the system default printer, default paper size, Fit to paper size selected, and Range set to Current view. In the dialog box, under Print configuration options, select an option: In the dialog box, under Page layout options, select an option: RE: Mouse pointer lags when moving.To print or plot a drawing on a printer or plotter, or to print a drawing to a file: This is the sort of thing that will make us run away from DraftSight and never look back. If DraftSight is trying to lure us away from AutoCAD and entice us to move up to their higher end software, this is not the way to do it. I use AutoCAD professionally on a daily basis, and would entertain switching to DraftSight, but not at the expense of 3 seconds per command.
This happened both under the previous version of DraftSight, and also I just downloaded the newest version, and it still happens. This is on a Dell Precision M4500, quad core i7, less than 3 years old, still under warranty, and all drives have recently been updated to the very newest. Oddly, if I click the "line" button, the initial pause in response is much shorter, however, the pause after each successive click is a bit longer. Then I can proceed to pick points with only a brief in response after each click.
If I type a command, say "line", it takes a full 3 seconds before the mouse will respond to any input. I am having a slightly different but perhaps related problem.